How to contribute info to a map

Entering data is as easy as selecting a point, route or “I’m here, and then placing info on the map.


  1. Select Points in the menu
  2. You will see a list of point types to place on the map
  3. Use the cross-hair symbol to place your point
  4. Once you place a point, you can describe and save it.


  1. Zoom in to your start location
  2.  Select a route category
  3. Click on the start, click to add line segments and double click to end your line.
  4. Once you end the line, you can describe and save it.

I’m here

This works best on a mobile device.

  1. Click I’m here
  2. Select a category
  3. Your browser may request to use your location
  4. Describe your location and save it

Upload Photo

  1. Place point
  2. From your computer, select uploads
  3. select the photo you want to upload

Upload kml

This upload feature does not work on an iOS device.

  1. From your computer, select uploads and describe the document you are uploading.  
  2. This will be sent directly to the project administrator, who can review the data and place it on the map.

Deleting your entry

  1. If you created a point or route, you can click on it
  2. Press delete


You can select a route or point entered by someone else and add your own comment.