The goal
“We want to reach a thousand users,” a WikiMapping client said to me about a project that already had over 1000 comments. An email blast and initial outreach efforts had gotten several hundred. The planners were in the process of creating a post card. So… I used this opportunity to try LeadDigits, by LeadPages. LeadPages offers tools for building an email list and then directing people to useful resources, whether that is a pdf, a webinar, or just about anything that you want to provide.
How LeadDigits works
The easiest way is to just show you: Text TRAILS to 33444.
It will reply with a link to a trail map of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

The only problem I’ve run into is when peoples’ phones autocorrect. BIKEMAP auto corrects to bike map. So keep this in mind when selecting a keyword.
How to get it
If you would like to try this for one of your projects, just email me. I can help you try it out with WikiMapping, but you will probably want to get your own subscription.
While the image below doesn’t have it, Bellevue, Washington put a code on a postcard that they distributed.

How I set it up
Here’s an example where I’m setting up a LeadDigit

And then step 2

LeadPages is versatile, so you can use it for more than WikiMapping
When you give a presentation in a public meeting, you could add a slide that says, “Text [keyword] to 33444 to get my presentation.” In this case, you can require the person to add their email address so that you can email them the link.” LeadPages will automatically send the link for you.
Are there other options?
I’ve looked into different options. For WikiMapping projects, I’ve thought about using a google voice free text message that I learned about here. After spending time with this, I couldn’t get it to work. It appeared from the comments that others couldn’t get it to work either.
I also thought about using textizen, which was used for a project in combination with openplans in Philadelphia. But I think that LeadPages can easily be used to do what textizen did, only it can be combined with WikiMapping.
So, basically, here’s why I’m suggesting
- Everyone’s got a phone.
- 33444 is really easy to remember.
- Asking someone to text to 33444 helps me stay in touch with people who want information.
- It can be easier than typing in a website url
I think LeadDigits by LeadPages is so cool that I have been walking around my town and telling store owners about it. Grace Presybeterian Church is promoting an event using it using the keyword GRACED. Rhinoceros Toy Store is using the keyword RHINOCEROS. We may create a virtual bike shop using the keyword BIKESHOP. I even joined the LeadPages affiliate program because I believe in the value of this tool.
Meanwhile, WikiMapping continues to improve on a mobile device
WikiMapping is better to use on a computer than a mobile device. That said, if you look at the postcard above, you’ll see that results of our recent menu editor. It lets you make certain items more prominent by editing an unordered list. 
Just let me know if you’d like this functionality and I can add it to your account.
What’s coming up
Have you been to Minnesota? I’m heading to Minneapolis to attend the LeadPages conference, Converted, on October 20-21. Here’s a set of WikiMapping photos from my visit a couple of years ago when I walked from Downtown Minneapolis to Downtown St. Paul (and back).
While there, I’m looking forward to meeting Pat Flynn, whose Smart Passive Income I listen to every week. Creating a web business is hard work, and I appreciate Pat’s useful, upbeat, and giving attitude. Pat sent me an email that led me to check out LeadPages this past spring. I subscribed to the advanced level and ended up signing up for LeadPages’ conference called Converted in Minneapolis on October 20-21.
Finally, Will the project reach 1000 users?
I think the chances are good. Right now, over 800 people have at looked at the project, and there are over 1000 comments.