WikiMapping is fun & effective!

I really appreciate that you came to my Pecha Kucha presentation.  John Zeng (my partner) and I want to give you something special. 

As you go through the website, you will see various premium features that may benefit you.  We have a guide that talks about a lot of features.  Premium features are highlighted in yellow in the guide and look like this:

premium clip


Because you watched my presentation, we will make a premium feature available to you at no charge.  Once it is part of your account, you can use it on any WikiMapping project.

How to get the premium feature:

  1. Try out the simple WikiMapping project that I made this morning before the presentation.
  2. That’s it.  You don’t have to do anything else.
Continue to the WikiMap!


You may also want to watch my “Getting Started” video to learn more about setting up your own project.